Red Bull Air Race - London 2008

Between writing strategies and coming up with ideas we thought we needed to refresh our brains and seek inspiration elsewhere, what better way than the Red Bull Air race!? Well it's all over and what an event!

It always amazes me how Red Bull are gradually taking over the sponsorship of most extreme sporting events, from Skating and Snow sports to motor sports and even cliff diving. For weeks we've been touring around London with the Air Race ads popping up all over the place, well after seeing the Abu Dhabi race a few weeks back I was hooked. A sucker for advertising eh?

Smile - Your on Live TV

We managed to wangle some tickets and were stood in the perfect position with a view of the whole course. While the weather wasn't at its best, and couldn't decide whether it wanted to be bright sunshine or tipping down with rain it wasn't going to put any dampeners on this event.

Apologies for the lack quality - I knocked it down a notch so I didn't have to wait all year for it to upload & for the unsteadiness (hand held camera) - you never realise just how fast the race actually is whilst watching it on TV! This might give you an idea! and no it wasn't in fast forward.



mike hates me said...

A suggestion for thought for the week:

"It's hard not to be arrogant when you're so fucking good".

Just thought i'd share my personal mantra. ha!

PS What's with the new logo?

Mike said...

We wanted a change...

Why did you like the old one?

Nothing like a bit of modesty huh?

Guy and Sarah, Junior Creative Team. said...

Hi Guys, the new look is cool.

Jealous you got to go to the Red Bull Air Race. I couldn't go because I was in venice with a beautiful American girl, maybe next year, eh? BTW, I used to be arrogant, but now I'm perfect, lol.

Guy :)

mike hates me not said...

It's okay, but now you'll need new business cards.

PS my suggestion was made with tongue firmly in cheek :)

How about this from Oscar Wilde:

"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all".


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars".

Guess who's been researching Wilde quotes for their new intro page?

Mike said...

You're not big on sarcasm are you... :D

I'm stealing that second one...actually i'm not stealing... it's stolen. Past tense.

leave the jokes to phil said...

Not your sarcasm Mike, no.

1) Sarcasm doesn't come across well in text.

2) Your sarcasm isn't very good.

PS. I was being sarcastic.

Mike said...

Love you too!