Brainfood, for the time being...

Okay - So I've been a little bit sluggish in getting off the mark with the next post, truthfully, the internet access I was 'borrowing' was a little unstable and therefore every attempt to make a post was shot down when I came round to clicking publish - only to be shown 'Your are not connected to the internet'. Imagine my Frustration...

Anyhow... Until I post everything that you've missed over the last week, in a series of exciting posts tomorrow, here's some brainfood from a friend James aka Ronnie Blogsville. He's set up a little mini blog forum for the Junior Ad wannabes. 

Old Ronnie Blogsville is new to the blog scene, you may have seen his alias floating around Brand Republic, however, even in his first few posts has managed to make a few good points - "If only I had listened" - Or rather I did - but it was too late to do anything about it. 


Guy and Sarah, Junior Creative Team. said...

"I AM FUCKING CONNECTED, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" is usually my response. Sound familiar? As you can tell, I have the same problem. Frequently. Fucking O2.

Ronnie Blogsville said...

Cheers for the big up Mikey, saved you from having to think about your blog post! brap brap :)