...And now for Friday. The busiest day of them all.
It was quite intense, firstly the morning was quiet, just working away on our book before breaking into the afternoon where we headed off to Meet Sam Kientsch at LIZ H for a quick chat - which turned into quite an insightful conversation. He gave us a review on our work, before discussing what he could do for us, where we had been and what we were up to - and ultimately what we wanted to achieve both in the long term and short term.
LIZ H isn't at all how we expected, it's so comforting - no corporate feel, no big offices, it's practically an apartment - two big comfy sofas, a coffee table, a shelf full of books and even a little desk in the corner. (Apologies for the poor quality photo - London was actually bright that day). There was something quite nice and warming about the visit amongst all of the flash, glamourous buildings we've pop into over the last few weeks. Like nipping to your mums for a cup of tea!

We were a tad early for Leo's so we stopped off at Coffee Republic - who says you can't be a kid at 21/22? Some of the most fun things happened then! Ever realised how bubbly the coffee are at CR? Exhibit A...

Some of our eagle-eyed readers will have noticed we had a crit with Ed Morris (The other one) the week before, and the opinion were quite varied, both had different methods of critiquing the work, and thoughts on where to go next - but they were both equally as positive about our work.

A suspicious Mike - admiring the free granny smiths on offer
This post is getting quite long - so i'll attempt to keep it brief, after Leo's it was straight on the train right across town to Play, the digital wing of M&C Saatchi to meet Jesper & John who turned up with a couple of free beers - always a nice way to start a crit!

To our surprise, the whole crit wasn't about digital this that and the other, it was all about ideas, they were looking to the barest sense of the idea itself, it that didn't make sense then nor did the ads. Pretty obvious when you think about it. Again, the back of the book section went down a storm, with a good couple of ideas that were definite keepers, others needed expanding - and some just weren't communicating what wanted to say. It was good to know that even in the ideas that weren't 'quite there yet' - our initial thoughts were still well received even if the execution wasn't quite right.
Well I'm all blogged out for a couple of days - so until then...
Did you see Bonnie at Liz H? Giggedy Giggedy Goo!
No, Sam Kientsch.
Hey thanks for the comment! Yeah it's tough but i'm really enjoying it and feel it's deffinatly progressing so lots be happy about and i still get time to do other things too.
Great reading about your visit's to agencies, some of which i really don't know. I think you're onto a winner going around digital agencies and smaller agencies to learn how it works and get experiance of those type of agencies. Smart!
Are you planning on moving to London when your course is over?
Sounds like your doing well for yourselves! Well Done! Good luck with the move and hope the placement turns into something more! :)
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