The HitList

Well, as we're on the hunt for our next placement the biggest question that we keep asking ourselves is where would we like to work? Now, I know many people would tell you that you take what you're given, but to be honest, we have a Hitlist.

This Hitlist consists of our Top Ten agencies that we'd like to work for. We may not know what's it's like there per ce, but these are the ones that in our opinion are producing interesting work or have people that we admire on the roster. Yes, as you can imagine, most of them are big global above the line agencies - but not all them I might add. We will work at these places one day.

Late last week Scamp had a poll up asking whether people would prefer to work in Small, Medium or Big agencies, now from our point of view, we were lucky enough to experience a rather large agency, we'd love to test the water with the other two categories, but the question is do you take a placement at a small agency, whether they are a start-up, recruitment or specialist ad agency, or do you hold out and go for gold? Scamp's blog says Medium, Small, No difference, Large - in that order... 

I know it's clear that for the big agencies you've got to do something really right to get in the door, and then something especially impressive to stay there, getting ads made just doesn't cut it, you've got to knock them for six. 

Everyone i've spoken to recently in the placement scene would drop everything at a hat to take up a spot at a Top agency, I'm sure there are others that would disagree equally but is it better to take up a job in advertising so that you are working in an advertising environment? or avoid the job in a smaller place and work 24/7 on your book? I think between Phil and I, we've decided that we are open to all considerations and it's a case of taking it as it comes, if you're lucky enough to land a placement - so long as it's not detrimental to your 'creative flow' then it's a good thing right? You can always leave if it's not working out I suppose.

For all of the three readers we get, I would be interested in your opinions - let us know what you think...


Rachel said...

I'm sure you get more than three readers. :)

Placements? Take what you can, its all experience.

Job, The best you can get or the place you love.

Thats what I'd do.

It's James innit said...

In my not-so-humble opinion, ideally you would want to work at the agencies that produce the ads you like the most.

But if they happen to be wiedens, fallon and mother, you'll be joining a rather long queue.

As you're just starting the whole move-to-london-with-your-book-and-whore-it-around phase, go everywhere with it!

You know from Mits and Ben how hard it is to get hired at the most well known/bigger agencies, so aim a bit lower/smaller if you wanna get hired sooner.

There you go Mike all three of us have responded.

Wal said...

am i the third one then? it's the all important question you ask, where do you go? where would you like to work? and where can you get a job realistically? and as you say there are lots of routes to go. it's complicated, we should have a beer over it :D

Mike said...

I'm always up for a chat about Advertising... and a beer... phil more so - he'll hate me for that comment, but his humour improves then, so I encourage it.

It's all true, it is a question that in my opinion is purely subjective and no one can answer it for you, but I find it interesting to hear what everyone's perspective is...

Well that's all three posts then. ha ha.

Luke & Wilf beta said...

Right now, i know that i would prefer to work at a digital agency, somewhere like R/GA or one of the agencies in the US like Anomaly. Its exciting to think about the way that new mediums are growing and i think, why not try going for somewhere that you can start at and try and grow with the agency.....

Espically with the concept of Branded Utility getting bigger...

but what do i know, we still need to finish Uni yet.

We'd also be up for a drink.


Mike said...

Sounds cool!

Maybe we should do something 'AHA'-esque Wal? we could call it ... 'HAHA - the summer edition'... apologies...bad joke.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean about digital... it's the future, even if some people don't think it's important right now, fact is it will be.

Guy and Sarah, Junior Creative Team. said...

I wouldn't necessarily say take what you can, you have to value yourself more than that - just not in an arrogant way. We've got a hit-list of places and most of them are what we consider to be the top tenners (they may not be "officially" top ten but then that's all relative, right?)

I think that if you go to the right agencies and meet the right people you'll get the right advice, it does take ages - especially when it's the big boys - but they admire tenacity. I hope.

Guy. said...

Guy, is this the same tenacity that sends you round the football pitch like a small yorkshire terrier. Tenacious G?

Guy and Sarah, Junior Creative Team. said...

haha, yes.

Anonymous said...

hey mikey and mr. phil! sup! read all through your site, its awesome, the t-shirt ideas especially. love the pictures of the redbull air show as well. hope all goes well for you, take care. love jenn xx

james again said...

You wrote that last post didn't you Mike?

You best organise this creative orgy then...

Biscuit Barrel said...

I would say what most other's would say. Pick the agencies you want to go to and only go to those agencies. If something else comes up then that will be worthwile to look at but like Guy said you have to value yourself more, Creatives prefer if you tell them certain places you want to go or have a list.

It's been interesting to see all these posts and no agency names mentioned (apart from 'It's James' Init' is everyone apposed to saying?

Oh and read your blog all the time, does anyone know how you can monitor how many people visit daily?

Ronnie Blogsville said...

Mike i've finally set up my blog, so shameless plug time!

Rolls off the tongue...

Mike said...

Hey Rusty - the two most common are (simple easy to read visuals inc.)

and.. I believe, more in depth but takes a little longer to get to grips with.

We're trying to finalise our list we're settled on most, but there's a few we're trying to figure out... we'll post when its sorted.

The Oxymorons said...

Pick top 5 and get to know them. Keep going back with new work and not just campaigns. Any ideas to put in the back (thoughts) as they may spot something that they really like and get you to progress it. Also a major factor is being in the right place at the right time.

Rob and I were going to do placements last summer but we decided to go back packing in China instead. We worked on our book and also came up with our brand. We have lots of images and film footage to edit and spank out a movie edit, when we get the time.


Mike said...

Sweet - China sounds amazing - look forward to seeing your movie edit.