The Reason why you should avoid Glue ads in your book.

Possibly the longest title in the world, but I thought i'd share a piece of advice we were given amongst our first ever industry visit. 'Avoid glue ads in your book'.

We all know it's not easy coming up with great ads, in fact choosing a product that already has fantastic advertising is usually a bad idea. Even if your ad is brilliant it's somewhat overshadowed by that ad that has already run. 

My point for posting this is that way back when, when we first came down to London with our first examples of work we had some work for Loctite Superglue. Although the work itself was well received, always causing a chuckle and cutting away at some of those nervous silences that often arise in critiques - you can never get away from that amazing ad that already exists - that becomes the topic of conversation not your shiny new ad.

Here's the reason we were told to avoid having it in our book - and this was done in 1970 imagine what you would have to do now! Apologies for the low quality, screenshots are all I could get - if anyone has a link for the film I'd appreciate it.

...and it's follow up. 'Still going strong'.

4 comments: said...

haha, when we first came to london, we had adverts for selotape in our book, they weren't massive ideas, just clever press, we though they worked really well but no, we were completely kidding ourselves, they were absolutely god awful. congratulations on getting your next placement, god knows where ours is going to come from! eugh.. said...

cheers, keep trying to click it, i promise that sooner or later there'll be something at the other end!
so have you lads moved down to london officially? said...

that's cool, took us quite a bit longer to move down so it's good you're getting the ball rolling straight away. good luck with it all, maybe see you on the circuit very soon! haha

The Oxymorons said...

A little advice we got from our book crits in the second year at Uni from Mother.

"Pick products that don't have any USP"

For example - Glue, sticks things together. Nytol, puts you to sleep and so on.

Simple and very relevant advice we felt.

What agencies are you people at?