I Love my brand.

Well, whilst Phil & I have been enjoying a small break back home before we start at My Agency... something that currently has my mind occupied is to do with Brand Loyalty...

There is one thing I seemed to be fascinated by for the past couple of years and that is Nixon (The Surf Brand) I am currently on my third watch (this is where the addiction / attraction / whatever started) ...and if you don't know their watches, you need to take the time to check them out here

I'm on my second large buckle enamel belt. I have 2 hats - millions of stickers and the odd t-shirt or two. I think i'd buy the bedspread if I could. 

When I think about it - I have no real reason to choose it over other brands, it's not cheap, I'm sure there are, in fact I know there are other products that are made to be more robust. Am I buying into the image? - I've surfed once - worked in a surf/ clothing shop, was big on Kayaking - my family home is a few minutes drive from the coast? Just what is it? In my opinion, some people just buy something because it's what they know, some for their friends - others for the image... God knows why I buy mine... I have no idea if i'm honest, I certainly haven't seen any advertising for the brand in the traditional sense.

The fact is that big brands - especially clothing brands have the power to adopt an image and change it at will, some - the likes of Adidas & Nike may have more than one, appealing to a vast range of audiences... That's the power of advertising.

I'd be interested to know what is your brand? Why are you loyal to it? 

1 comment:

Biscuit Barrel said...

I got my first nixon in 2003. I'm now on my second watch. The first having 2 strap changes. The reason i buy them ( i think ) is they just seem to have a bit of personality, or charm because they aren't a particularly well known brand in the public domain. Plus they just look good!

Another simular thing is Howies. I buy alot of clothes from them because they are cool, but also the brand has a voice and it's got a personality. I think i just engage with them because they're quite personal. Do you know of them? I'm guessing so but if not
