Baby steps...

Anyone else slightly perplexed by this... 

So... I've basically been spending my time seeing what's out there, meeting some very interesting people. The thing I've noticed most is the diversity of single creatives out there, I'm not just talking about ability, but backgrounds, situations, visions & directions. It's an exciting time, I won't mention names because, well it's just my opinion, but there's a real mixed bag. Some very talented people and some... who are just starting out. Obviously from my perspective I'm looking for someone with a little bit of experience, but there's some really enthusiastic people out there, who are just starting out and have some nice spec stuff in their 'folios. What's more is everyone has been bloody nice, I am yet to come across anyone who has been a complete tw*t - more to my surprise. I've not made any drastic decisions just yet, I'm considering all the options before leaping head first into anything. 

I've been in touch with a couple of people who have been/ are followers of this blog (there's one reason to start up a blog if you're starting out - or not), the old fashioned NABS lonely hearts monthly meet-up run by Rory over at The Talent Business, friends, friends of friends and contacts from agencies that I've worked at. I'm trying to use a whole heap of resources to find my best possible match.

When I get a second or two more I'll put up the resources I've been using and try and be a little more specific for any other aspiring and/or single creatives. If it helps then great if not, then what's lost, right?

I've also been collating my work, or rather hoarding it in a new 'folio. I spent quite a bit of time running this blog and our previous website that I never thought to put any time into my own web side of things. Which leaves me currently working on developing something a little better than a temporary website.



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