Freelance & Crit-age.

In the run up to starting here at DLKW, we were packing in the crits and making sure we could get around to as many people as possible...  We've seen some inspiring people, I'll write some of those up - when I have a bit more time. We did however make our way over to Big Al's Creative Emporium

Our work seemed to go down extremely well, everyone has their opinion on how good (or bad) the work is from their perspective, but we couldn't have had a better response. First having a separate crit with Tom & another with Stef, both last nearly an hour, we certainly made an impact on their planned schedule for that day. We'd heard a lot about the two, and we were consequently churning over inside - only to be pleasantly surprised at the result. They both know what they want, there's no frills, it's straight talking, honest thoughts, if they don't like you'll certainly find out about it. Get something they like, break past that intimidating exterior and they are bloody nice blokes.

Let me explain, Big Al's is a sort of Hybrid, if you can call it that... Sounds pretentious right? Well it's not, those are my words to describe it. It's run by Tom & Stef - they act as a  creative hub, if you like, they pick up briefs floating in adland, pitch for new clients, in the same way any agency does - but don't function like a normal Agency in the traditional sense. They bring people in on a freelance basis, as and when the briefs suit. Perfect for us, I might add, as we can do a little bit on the side. 

Anyway, Stef got in touch over the weekend and Bob's your mother's brother, we were freelancing on the Sunday. It was a pretty big opportunity and we had nothing to lose. We're still waiting to hear how the work went down - but hopefully it won't have destroyed any expectations they had, and perhaps we might have another opportunity.


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