Crit 2.0

Apparently of the 5/6 Photos I took, this was the best - Ben & Sophie didn't seem to be that photogenic. Sorry Guys camera phones just don't cut it!!!

Not the Thursday gone, the Thursday before we nipped across London's finest underground system back to Wieden's to see Ben & Sophie again, although we've got the placement lined up, we still think it's pretty important to keep tabs on things, make sure they still like what we're doing. The book almost completely changed, went down well, arguably better than before, if that's possible. The place is in a whole lot of chaos at the moment, in fact, they've just bought/ leased etc the building across the street, so when you find yourself on Hanbury Street in future, Wieden's will be on both sides of the road! 

People were crammed into every nook and cranny. We still managed to sneak a picture of this beauty... ha ha.

The day before we received a rather nice email, out of the blue from Rich Holmes over at DLKW, great news really, he said he seen some of our work on the rounds and would like for us to come in for a chat.

A big smile and a free copy of Campaign :)

It went swimmingly, Rich, a real nice guy, was unfortunately flying solo that day, as Remco, (his partner) was away, anyway a nice long chat, a good flick through the book and we had covered a whole load of things, including some views and thoughts on the work we hadn't heard before. Rich even gave us a free copy of Campaign. Free stuff is always welcome.

Everything seems to be going pretty well over there, those keeno's among us might have noticed they won the E.On pitch not long ago, I know WCRS were in the running but that's about it. With a new ECD and a new Head of Strategy on their way in there, it seems like it could be an exciting place to be... but we'll have to wait and see. 

Now we know people are actually reading this I might, try and make things a re little more interesting... or we'll just keep on doing what we do. Eithey way we'll keep on bloggin'.

Right, well This Friday, we stopped by DDB & WCRS to meet Howard (an ex-JWT CD) & Si respectively. We find it's great going back to places you've been before, there's always a chance to catch up on what's been happening, on both sides of the wall, so to speak, and although it is about the work, it's not ALL about the work. Something that has often popped up is that people never seem to go back for a second round of crits!? This is often the best bit, the hard bit is out of the way, initial introductions over, a familiar face. Seems a bit odd...if you ask me.

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