The Chip Shop Awards...

Well who'd have thought... after scraping a few pennies together for a bit of a laugh, we thought we'd chuck one of our own ideas into the mix... seems to have come up trumps having our 'Bra Training work being nominated for the Mobile category.

Those of you who don't know, the Chip Shop awards are an 'Alternative' awards competition with some big names on the panel such as, the distinctively original Dave trott, bloggers own Scamp & the likes of Mike McKenna (CD - JWT), Seb Royce (ECD - Glue), John Jessup (CD - Leos) 

There are almost no rules... you can make up your own category, or simply rip of your favourite ad. This clearly isn't raising your expectations is it? 

However, it's a good laugh, there is some seriously funny work on there, all a bit tongue in cheek, also some utter crap, but maybe that's the point, take a look I'm sure something will make you smile, even just a little. If it doesn't, then I've seriously misjudged our readership, yes all three of you. If you don't laugh at the regional ads, you're A) from said region or B) An acquired sense of humour. The awards have come from far and wide, the UK to New York, Germany and the Netherlands to bring you the finest 'alternative ads'. There are some good serious ads that are equally as justified... feeling constrained by that client brief, thought of something that would never run then make sure you're watching next year. 

You can find the nominations from this year here ... As well as the entries from 2008 here

We're assured that any resemblance the awards carry to a certain infamous awards scheme is purely coincidental.... ha.

The keen eyed ones among you, will have noticed the addition of our new website to the side bar, it's still a major work in progress, but it's simple enough to navigate. We've avoided anything too complicated and instead opted for the - all about the work- option. We'd like to know what you think... there's still bits to go up there, and hopefully you'll see us changing some bits fairly frequently... 


Anonymous said...

Ha really like the mobile app idea you guys have done for the chip awards. Another fav is the skysports vira! Thought that was really clever! Why no one did it at the time I don't know.

Thought your book was ok guys. I really like the 'olo' stuff and the 'one offs'. That's the kind of stuff that gets me when I do book crits now.

I see too many books with ad after ad and it bores me. The world is one giant advertising canvas now and an idea should be more than an ad or poster. Creatives are problem solvers, and there are many answers to the problems we face. Thing is, a poster or TV ad is very rarely the right one. That's why I love places like Droga 5. They think of the solution for that particular brand, and it's seldom traditional advertising.

I guess my point is you're going in the right direction with your thinking, and a few more tweaks your book will be ace!

PS Lose the cartoon Network idea. Been done to death!

Mike said...

Thanks for feedback Mr.Anon, appreciate it.

We like doing whatever we feel is the most exciting for the brand, whether it's funny, appropriate or just plain cool, some people still want the 1,2,3 poster, and that's cool, we like doing that too, So I think we're going for a bit of a hybrid mix...

Cheers for the Heads up though.

Anonymous said...

I like most creatives get bored and I come across student blogs with their work posted up all the time. And I have to say your portfolio is by far the best Ive seen.

I know its a difficult time and you should try and get in anywhere at the moment, but you're better than DLKW. I know, Ive been there. And I agree with the cartoon network comment. Plus I'd do something slightly edgy in your book...think thats what its missing.

Good luck.

Adam Richardson said...

Like the iphone app, if it was real, I'd download it for sure. You should contact a few magazines or find out who does the fhm, loaded or maxim web sites and pitch it to them.

Hayley said...

Hey guys, just been having a nosey at your work - love your Easter promo! Your London Aquarium one-off stuff is a perfect use of the medium, and think the strategies behind eBay and MB Games are good and could be pushed a lot further.

Looks like you've got a really good set of work there and have been doing well as a result, some great stuff in there!


Anonymous said...

Wise words indeed Hayley. Which London hot shop are you a CD at?

Anonymous said...

Hayley, if you're such a good judge of work, you probably already know then that everything you've put in your portfolio is absolute toss

Hayley said...

Ah, more Anons! Thought they were just queueing up to slate Jai & Wal but clearly not!

Wasn't aware that this was a forum for dissing my stuff, had naively thought it would be acceptable for me to pass comment on the lads' work.

FYI, I'm not a southerner (nor do I ever want to be) and the book is less than perfect (hence the lack of job) but I didn't think you had to be shit-hot to have an opinion on other people's work. My mistake.

Seeing as you're so wise, why don't you give me some pointers?

Mike said...

Now, now, as much as I like a good 'ole bit of banter, ease up a bit guys and/or girls this 'isn't a forum for dissing Hayley's work'.

...and Hayley, there's nothing wrong with a Southerner, surely it's whether it's good or bad work, not whether it's Northern or Southern.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether you're a northerner or southerner.

Being Brazilian seems to count, well did.

Hayley said...

Sorry Mike/Phil, didn't mean to sound contemptuous regarding southerners - just meant I'm a northern girl and always will be.

Southern agencies have the best clients and usually (though not always) produce better work. But my heart is Manchester-shaped. Should maybe see a doctor about it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the top comment you shouldn't settle for dlkw, even if times are hard - anyway you have a placement at w+k right, if you work your arses off you knever know.

Lauren said...

Portfolio is brilliant. Even as a girl i love the iphone app. Nice tutorial for guys to actually learn the art of bra removal.

I also love the ebay stuff you've done. After tackling the D&AD ebay viral i'd looked a lot into ebay and it just hits the nail on the head 100%.

Well Done guys.