All Crit-ters and Placements beware - this could happen to you!

This week has been truly mental... the whole Easter thing, then coming back to London, then doing work, then shooting off to places, then coming back, then doing more stuff before heading off elsewhere, it's been quite crazy...

Before I have time to catch up... probably later tonight, or tomorrow, here's a little Video to tie you over... found by Phil in the furthest corners of the Interwebs!

**I'm not saying it will happen to you but it could...

I'm not sure if it's real or not... to be quite honest I don't care - it's bloody hilarious!

And well this is just plain... awesomeness-ness.

1 comment:

Guy and Sarah, Junior Creative Team. said...

Is it just me or does the "invisible-door-opener-guy" look like Ron Jeremy, but with clothes on. And no busty-blonde-bimbo hanging off the end of him?
