Those of you who don't know, the Chip Shop awards are an 'Alternative' awards competition with some big names on the panel such as, the distinctively original Dave trott, bloggers own Scamp & the likes of Mike McKenna (CD - JWT), Seb Royce (ECD - Glue), John Jessup (CD - Leos)
There are almost no rules... you can make up your own category, or simply rip of your favourite ad. This clearly isn't raising your expectations is it?
However, it's a good laugh, there is some seriously funny work on there, all a bit tongue in cheek, also some utter crap, but maybe that's the point, take a look I'm sure something will make you smile, even just a little. If it doesn't, then I've seriously misjudged our readership, yes all three of you. If you don't laugh at the regional ads, you're A) from said region or B) An acquired sense of humour. The awards have come from far and wide, the UK to New York, Germany and the Netherlands to bring you the finest 'alternative ads'. There are some good serious ads that are equally as justified... feeling constrained by that client brief, thought of something that would never run then make sure you're watching next year.
We're assured that any resemblance the awards carry to a certain infamous awards scheme is purely coincidental.... ha.
The keen eyed ones among you, will have noticed the addition of our new website to the side bar, it's still a major work in progress, but it's simple enough to navigate. We've avoided anything too complicated and instead opted for the - all about the work- option. We'd like to know what you think... there's still bits to go up there, and hopefully you'll see us changing some bits fairly frequently...