Lose Yourself...

The Cinema. 

A great place to get away from things, switch off from distractions, kick back with some pop corn & a drink. You can almost lose yourself... 

*Excuse the joke*

Many an ad book has said when you go stale on a brief you're trying to crack, nip off to the cinema, give yourself a validated break - it's a nice place to catch up on big screen ads, admire other peoples work and refresh your brain into thinking differently. I love watching films, they have the same pretense as ads, but where as an ad has to keep you for seconds, a film must keep your for hours. Pretty impressive challenge if you ask me; although an ad has to communicate all the emotion, build up and the message in a mere fraction of the time - even more impressive in my opinion.

Cheesy Pose # 1

If you're looking for some inspirational humour then check out Wall-E. Phil and I checked it out last week - well worth the time, even if there is no spoken words for the first 30 odd minutes of the film - you wouldn't even notice. Wall-E isn't your thing - there's plenty more on to fulfill your needs.

Cheesy Pose # 2

Go to the cinema!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its good film bro wish they had those WALL-E gimicks att our cinema!