A little idea.

Chloe Coulson's work in the previous post got us thinking about how people react in everyday situations (Not that we weren't already of course). We also were working on some spec work for Benadryl and voila! the two just merged together and we came up with this little idea...

A late night trial as modelled by Phil

We'd had a long day - so we thought we would actually make the t-shirt, having nearly broken the printer at NABS trying to feed inkjet t-shirt paper through the laser printer (don't worry it didn't break - we fixed it, we tried a different method. As you can see, it worked, we couldn't even wait for it to dry before trying it on to see how it turned out.

You can also view some of our most recent digital concepts we've been working on via our Flickr portfolio

Let us know what you think!


*The Model featured in our first picture was 'borrowed' from www.cult.co.uk//


This Is Us said...

the kit kat olympics is a stroke of genius you should get in contact with them and try and get it made, you could get yourselves in creative review with that

Mike said...

Thanks mate - appreciate the comment.

Maybe i'll give them a ring... ha ha.

Rachel said...

Thats as good as I thought it would turn out, good one. I like it.

]-[appy Thought said...

This is a cool insight based on that people do with their shirts. Well played.