Ferrari on the Lawn.

It's not every day you turn up to work and Find a Formula-1 Ferrari Racing car sitting out on the veranda is it? Of course, there are the rumours going around for how it got up there, with the veranda being a good three floors up - A crane is the most likely explanation although, some people were insistent that it was carried in 4 pieces up the stairs - Yeah right!

Initially, we were clueless until we actually thought about it - There was a conference for shell (One of the Agencies clients) and I guess it was to add some visual stimulation to the presentation. There were also two Ferrari racing Arcade machines in the 'Comm' (Bar come Diner) for people to hop on - Pretty Cool huh?


1 comment:

Rachel said...

To be honest, they could be right. They wouldn't leave the important bits in a show car so it wouldn't be too heavy. the nose section comes off quie easily as they have to change that in nose cone incidents during races and each of the wheels come off and the back wing comes off in another piece. They have alot of space leading up to that grassy area so Its not that impossible.