Walkie Talkie Creative Network...

Some time ago I joked about on Twitter with @lendmeyoureyes

I'd like to see if there was any interest in this... It could prove to be more of a distraction that a benefit.
But in the pursuit of something slightly analogue and due to the fact that most agencies in London are so close together, I wondered if you'd like the chance to join an exclusive network of Walkie Talkie Creatives? You can pick them up off Ebay for next to nothing too! Hell, make your own, although I don't think tins & string are going to cut it.

Failing global domination of the ad world with a series of interconnected agencies via Walkie Talkie, perhaps you may want to think about distributing them amongst your creative department. It's a fun, productive way of sharing ideas and opening the dialogue...

So what d'ya reckon?
I'm deadly serious about this for anyone in the Soho area... just so you know.

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