
Sorting through the 'bottom drawer' of ideas. Found this little beaut that I knocked up a while ago.


Ruby Rosamund said...

You never see baby pigeons, because they are aliens and they grow their babies in test-tubes in the mothership, which hides behind the moon.

True Story.

Steven & Josh said...

We always wondered why you never see baby pigeons.
The same day I asked Josh this, someone at the agency we were at asked it too...and then the next day we saw a story in Metro about pigeons...and baby pigeons! They had a picture and everything!

So...erm yeah...apparently baby pigeons stay in the nest until they are almost fully grown. They don't come out that size when they're born, which would be much funnier we reckon.

Anonymous said...

Every couple of years you can see baby pigeons from the NABS, in Soho, offices. Go to the corner of the room, next to the computer room and where all the files are, and look opposite. There's a nest that has them in.

They're cute. But I still hate the fully grown ones.