Mike sans Phil.

So... unfortunately, our time at W+K has come to an end.  It's been a hectic 7 months but we've definitely got something to show for our time there. Following a chat with Tony & Kim, in light of changes happening, their focus is on the senior ranks at Wieden + Kennedy

As much as there was no longer a permanent role on offer, they did express that based on our performance in our work and ideas, that if there was work, they would like to keep us around. As a result, we are now on the freelance roster for W+K should any suitable projects come up in the near future.

A big thanks to all the guys who helped us achieve what did whilst we were there. You are some really talented people and I look forward to working with you sometime in the future.

This may come as a surprise to some of you... but the dynamics between Phil and I have shifted, we realised our ambitions are different and have decided to go our separate ways. we've had some fun times, he's a good bloke, but I think he now feels this industry may not be for him.

As for me, I will be continuing on my path and hopefully it will pay off in the end. I am left filled with optimism and unexpected yet exciting possibilities. I don't know where I'll end up, but I know this is what I want to do, so we'll see.

In the meantime, if there are any enthusiastic & passionate single creatives out there who want to get in touch feel free :)

// Inbox:

// Twitter:

// Chit-chat:
+44 (0)791 910 4930

For those regular followers, I will in be continuing the blog but under a new title, of course. I will get a redirection set up to the new blog in due course. For the time being however, I may continue to post a few bits up here.

All the best & good luck to Phil for the future.



The Idea Bakery said...

Genuinely gutted for you :(

Dean Martyn said...

Such a shame boys. I only started reading this blog about 6 months ago, but judging by the quality of some of the stuff you've posted (particularly that nike ad) I would have hoped you'd have been hired. Do you feel that maybe Platform is their priority for future employment? Anyways good luck to both of you. You're obviously a talented couple of lads, and if you show any CD that nike ad on your laptop when you go for crits, I'm sure it'll blow their socks off.

Luke & Wilf beta said...

Sad times.

On a positive note you have seven months of experience at one of the best agencies in the world. It can only serve to help you.

Anonymous said...

Damn - another good team + blog going. Good luck guys. I've been an avid browser of the blog for a good year and half. All the best with the future. Keep pushing things forward.


Anonymous said...

Damn - another good team + blog going. Good luck guys. I've been an avid browser of the blog for a good year and half. All the best with the future. Keep pushing things forward.


Anonymous said...

Your sorted mate. After the work and experience you achieved at W+K you will have no problems landing a job. Its just now for you to decide where you want to go? Do you look for a hot shop in the realms of W+K or do you go for a JWT, AMV?

Good luck anyway and please keep us all up to date on goings on.

Anonymous said...

For an old school adman like me, who has worked with both you guys,
it's such a shame to hear it's not working out. It's easy to see who wanted it most and I promise you if you keep at it, you will be the one to watch.

Anonymous said...

Wow. A surprise to see you spilt. Best of luck to both of you.

andymarkpeel said...

didnt see that one coming...

are there any experienced "placement" teams left who left uni more than 12 months ago? (minus cr.ap)

i'd be interested to know...

good luck to you both.

Wal said...

oh, i just read this. sorry to hear that guys, i didnt expect this at all. i m sure you both will do well and i know how this feels for sure.

Anonymous said...

ahh ye olde looking for seniors instead but will keep you in mind for freelance. ah well at least you got a nice piece of work made. So what are your plans now?

Anonymous said...

It's really shocking news, but you've got so much to be optimistic about and proud of.
You've had some dream experiences that any graduate team in the world might envy. Okay, Weidens are not taking on and that is that, so you can't be angry about that, andf I'm sure you're not. Mike, you might be starting from square one in a sense now, but lots of us have done it, and you have so much to show from your time with Phil as an extra. I know you'll do great. You've probably got a lot of plans already, so I won't recommend anything. Keep doing your best, keep showing what you can do, and the rest is easy.