Iris Potential...

Thursday was a change to the norm, as we headed over early, to 185 Park Street to for the Iris potential workshop.

For those of you who don't know, Iris run a graduate program much like that of the industries recruitment for the account side. The short of it, Phil and I entered a competition earlier in the year around April, and received confirmation to say we were through to the next round.

With something near on 120 entries and only 12 places we were pretty chuffed to have got to this stage. The outcome: A days workshop at the agency, working on a live brief alongside a few creative group heads and a chance to battle it out against some fellow creatives. 

In all honesty we were spoilt rotten, muffins and pastries for breakfast feast, extravagant sandwiches and a constant flow of Tea & Coffee all day - along with some jolly nice people, and some good conversations. Anyone who came on their own were teamed up and those of us who were already in teams worked together.

There was plenty of space for us to spread out in, after all,  the place is enormous, we chose to work in the 'Orange Room'. Nice and cosy - where everything was orange funnily enough. 

I'll respect the privacy asked of us, and not give away too much on the brief we worked on, but from the critique session at the end of the day, everyone came away with something positive with a huge range of unique ideas. We presented three routes, and after some intriguing questions and a few giggles, the feedback was extremely positive. We'll have to hold our breath for a couple of weeks when we find out the results. After the day flew on by, we finished up at a local bar with some drinks courtesy of Iris. Big hello to everyone who went especially Nick & Kira and Emily for mentioning us in her blog! 

As usual I was pretty rubbish in sparing a few minutes to take pictures - this will be my resolution come the new year. So apologies on that one.


The Idea Bakery said...

Hi guys,

Was good to put blogs to faces.

Im really looking forward to wk, but it seems like Persil is the standard brief they send out, gonna have to do summit extra spesh.

Yeh, those questions, right on the spot stuff. so who did you say you would have dinner with?

Oh yeh, i still remember the tab number for Iris, i reckon we should all take regular trips to the refinery.

Good luck with the placement and the feedback.


The Oxymorons said...

Good effort guys. Take some snaps, I don't mind reading massive amount of type with some visual rewards after. How do you find Iris?