Creative Mix up...

The last week and a half has been a bit strange, we've been racking our brains over the last few months on a variety of Vodka campaigns, and churning out work on various sub-brands and on a variety of briefs. Well, as of last Monday we were hit with a new brief. The ECD felt we needed a new angle and that people might need refreshing... no, I know what you might be thinking... a big agency social... not quite, this was the result...

A Creative mix up. All of the creatives, employed, freelance and placement teams were integrated with a new partner for the new brief. From senior to junior everyone was shifted around. I ended up working with another art director, Sergio. Phil as the copywriter ended up working with Andy - another art director.

Both Phil and I are gathering knowledge from working with people who possess a great deal more experience that either of us do, picking up some useful things along the way. The last week has been intense, but highly productive on the whole. 

It's was only for the short term, but imagine that, shifting round the whole department for a new inspiration, it certainly caught us off guard. It's not all been 100% plain sailing, it takes a bit of getting used to, working with someone new, especially when you're set in your ways of working with your usual partner. 

Well the time is up as we move on to a new brief altogether, it's gone well on the whole, both have bits of working through to the client, we'll find out next week what's going forward.

**Image via tanktheory

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