Saturday at the Office...

So, things have been pretty full on at JWT so far. We're just about settled in now, new faces everyday makes things that little bit more interesting. There's too many people to meet for the first week - but we'll get there I'm sure.  It seems the other two placements teams are hanging in there for a bit so that's good news.

A lot of people arrive back from Cannes Film Festival on Monday - so we'll have the pleasure of feeling like we're starting all over again - other than the obvious familiar faces and the familiarity of our Cupboard-like office which we've grown to love and adore. We even had a little visit from a friend today for all of 5 seconds, but only some of you will be lucky enough to know what that is all about - unless you ask nicely.

We pulled a long day today covering an extra brief this weekend and are in again tomorrow - that's right a Sunday! (a day of rest ha ha!) The place is a little strange, at least for the most part anyway, the entire ad business shuts down come the weekend - people are very few and far between - it's been a experience though and I'm sure there will be plenty more of that over our placement. 

Still loving the fact of the coffee & tea machine being all of 5 paces from our chairs - it can't be that bad can it!? 


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