Pitchy goodness...

Well... you know that COI pitch we've been working on for pretty much the whole first half of our time here, the results are in and Wieden + Kennedy has a new client! Amazing.

Snipped straight out of Brand Republic.

Smiley faces all round.


T said...

Well done Pike

Anonymous said...

Well done...

how involved where you in the result?

your campaign?

your TV idea?

enough to ask for a job or an extension?

Anonymous said...


Everyone 'works' on a pitch... but what did you 'actually' come up with?

Kudos to you guys, as W&K must be cunts for releasing a team who have just 'won' an account for them.

Not really an anon...

Anonymous said...

well done - would be interesting to see what elements u guys actually contributed tho. was it your strategy that got chosen etc?

Ton Loc said...

To celebrate, you should go out and get shit-faced, shag a stranger, get crabs and then punch a paramedic in the face.

Like what the people in the ads do.

Mike said...

To the above comments...^^

Point taken on working on a pitch, there was a load of people involved.

To be completely honest, the first round of the pitch was based on our strategy. As most of you will know, a pitch is never down to an individual. Suits, CDs, planners, designers all have a big influence.

But the strategy & concept was something we came up with right down to the line. Other than us, the CD's were the only other people on the campaign, who helped shaped our thoughts and ideas.

The second round was slightly different as the CD's changed, they took to crafting the TV ads, although, most of the elements still remained from the original ideas - No major changes, but tweaks and amendments mostly,

Anon @ 10:29 - 'Not really an Anon' ???

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, will be interesting to see the final work. To 'Mr cunts for realeasing them'. You need to realise that one pitch win can't guarantee employment especially in a recession. I heard there was a placement team at Leo that won a golden circle for their work on shelter o r whatever it is with the house of cards and are now back to crawling the streets again.

The Idea Bakery said...

Well done guys,

Great news! I hope you celebrated hard...


Anonymous said...

Celebrated what - did they get a job? NO

Anonymous said...

Jesus. H. Wogan.

Some people are so bitter.

They won a pitch. Regardless of job offers, it's great news.

I hate people like you, i really do.

Anonymous said...

They didn't win a pitch,the agency did.elements of their idea where taken from the first round - they said so themselves with artistic license

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas!

Just thought I'd add something as irrelevant as the rest of this piffle. Yes piffle, piffle I say.

Anonymous said...

you lot are pathetic - if you all spent less time blogging and moaning and having a go at each other than you may have jobs by now.

Mike said...

Hey, that's not very fair. I've let the comments run on as there are obviously a lot of frustrated opinions out there.

It's actually quite interesting to see what people have got to say. That's why comments exist in the first place.

However I don't blog a huge amount, and if I were to stop blogging where would you make comments like the one above.

People are welcome to their point of view but let's keep them a little less abusive please.

Anonymous said...

i take back the blogging comment. i understand it is very insightful to many, plus as u are on placement so are obv able to handle both. however it peeves me off that people moan so much about others, when they wouldn't feel the need if they concentrated more on their own work. there i said it

Clint Harding said...

hey guys, well done! Great agency to work for! I hope something of yours or something you worked on gets made!

Anonymous said...

I think you've got Jai/Wals old follwing. Bad time, better shake them off pronto!

Anonymous said...

You helped win a wicked piece of business and that's sound. Ignore the small cocks who put you down.

Good luck lads
