After a few days off we're back in at Wieden + Kennedy to continue working on our Nike project. It's not quite there yet, but fingers crossed we'll find out soon enough! All up in the air at the moment. We'll let you know, when we find out.
Meanwhile... here's a little something we did for Fairtrade... as part of a bigger idea that we've been on. I didn't notice but it popped on the WK Blog a few days ago. Nice to finally see it as a physical thing.

"These irresistibly pick-upable big mugs will be sent out to businesses all over the country to sit on peoples' desks and let them know about Fairtrade Fortnight 2010. On the back, the mugs explain our campaign for next year, The Big Swap (swap your usual stuff for Fairtrade stuff), and act as a cheeky reminder to any lazy tea-making co-workers: that it is their turn to get the kettle on, and make a Fairtrade brew. "
ha ha ye olde fairtrade swap. Think everyone is doing that one for fairtrade fortnight.
It's all backed by Fairtrade. :-)
Big mugs are fun. haha
Big mugs are only fun if you can drink out of them. FACT. I have a splendid one from Tunisia.
Yeah, thought that last comment might have been from you Dip. Oh don't worry they will be coming as well. This was just a leave behind / promo piece at a for meetings and conferences. Basically a flyer/handout needed doing so we thought we do something a little more interesting.
Very interesting.
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