The Art of the business card...

The following collection of cards is the result of 3 months of time and living in South London. Yes, this is how many taxi cards I received through my front door in a mere 90 days. There are a few overlaps, duplications and what not, but there is a grand total of 48 cards.

Here's some things I picked up on, besides the fact that I get battered by taxi firms by way of my front door...
  • Most of them have opted for the 'everythingyoucanfitonacard' option.
  • White is the predominant colour.
  • Most use stock images.
  • One used a template from MS Word circa 95.
  • Only one was done in a portrait layout.
  • Most use the reverse for receipts.
  • Only a few use colour double sided printing.
  • 2 different brands used plastic printed cards.
  • Only one uses the name and number and nothing else.

The 48 taxi cards:

The reverse:

The changes in business card design:

It's the best of a bad bunch if you ask me, but here are a couple of the more considered designs and have the best standout value in my opinion:


A little while ago, we stumbled across the white label copy of a then, little known, duo called 16 Bit and their 'Jump' track.
We later used it on a Nike ad.
The first dubstep track on an ad. Ever.
It was epic. Amazing sound.
Stumbling around... I tripped, fell and crash landed on this beauty.
16-Bit, Dinosaurs.
Check them on Twitter @16bit

16bit - Dinosaurs (Official Video) 1080p from ljudbilden on Vimeo.


I wanted to change, my twitter avatar, but I guess that's how most people recognise me on there... so I thought of Head-vatars... this is the first of the batch.

Cleverbot Vs. Cleverbot

A while ago, back in March to be precise, I proposed an idea about pitching 'the cleverness of the almighty'. You can find my post right here, alas the project as I couldn't source the coding wizard.

Well, someone has only gone and done it. Hats off, an idea written down that is never realised, is just that, an idea - not a reality.

Here CornellCCSL put Cleverbot head-to-head with another Cleverbot. It's actually quite interesting, if a little spooky.
