From one Delaney to Another...

Although Wieden's has been pushed back to July, we received a phone call yesterday from Leagas Delaney... We start Monday. Nice opportunity to stir some things up... there's been some nice work so hopefully something will come of it... as always, we'll have to wait and see...

Having met Greg at DLKW, it will be nice to squeeze in a chat with Tim. (I've also read Sam's book...) We're not stalking - honest. They just seem to have a large presence across the Ad & Film world...

Also, does anyone have a video camera we can borrow? Just for an idea we'd like to do the side, we'll need it for a day - possibly 2? We'll take good care of it - promise. It's cheeky, but well... if you don't ask...


andymarkpeel said...

Good stuff, how'd you get that, off chance or a book crit...

and when we have camera issues our beasts of our digital cameras become really bad video machines for the day. granted they aren't the best, but they do the job.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with Tim....

Mike said...

@ Andy

We dropped a book off a couple of weeks ago, but haven't had the chance to swing by for a crit, finally got a date in the diary and they said come in as of Monday - that's about it!

As for Videos - we've got them on our phones and my Nikon has video capability but thought i'd put it out there... not sure if it would work though...

@ Anon

I've heard he's quite straight and blunt...

Anonymous said...

Try getting a job and buying a camera like the rest of us - failing that nab one from the leagas delaney store cupboard

Mike said...

Oh no... Wait - why didn't I think of that earlier... If only I had known. Thanks though.

Kinda using most of the placement money for bills and rent.

Maybe leagas would actually lend us one...

Anonymous said...

I have one if you still need it. Drop me an email or call (you know where I am).

p.s for some reason I can post a comment when I'm signed in to wordpress.
