Faster than you can say... 'Can you make some amendments'

Well it has been yet another, action-packed week full of things to do. Having been working on a variety of Briefs for the Mirror since we started over at DLKW - it was nice to get the first piece through. Saturday saw our first TV spot hit the screens, nothing major, I can't see it making us famous, but it certainly taught us a few things, a milestone for us at least. A nice learning curve though, to be getting past the ideas stage, selecting voice over candidates, getting them in only to be baffled by the fact that the voice they use - is actually their real voice, learning how the editing suites work both, Audio (over at Scramble in Soho) and Treacle's Video editing suite, I think we might have just about fluked it...

With a few more in the pipeline, if everything goes to plan, we could be in for a busy couple of weeks... and possibly a few more flash appearances. 

Things seem to be going well, we're putting in the hours which, thankfully, seem to be paying off, and the possibility of having one of our spec ideas picked up by the creative heads, it can only mean good things. 

Plus, there's a Tesco's around the corner which keeps us fueled with cheap food throughout the day. Can't be bad eh?

Now though, it's the start of a new week and time to knuckle down once more.  We're still trying to be cheeky and squeeze in the odd crit here and there over lunch breaks, but there never seems enough hours in the day!


mistrybitchbag said...

Spill the beans lads... what's the ad? Youtube link?

Mike said...

Chill out Dip :P Like I said it's nothing major, just a little 10 Sec, Mirror mag promo for the new Star Trek film. I'll Youtube it later in the week.

Anonymous said...

What was My Agency like?

I hear the CD there is a complete twat.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it polite to reply to questions?

I know you're are busy at DLKW but you must find some time between Morrisons and The Mirror.

Mike said...

Ha! Sorry, didn't see the comment if I'm totally honest! Certainly plenty of the Mirror, not worked on any Morrisons yet.

My Agency was a good opportunity for us, it's pretty small, quite a bit of competitiveness over the briefs - as most people tend to work on the same stuff as everyone else. Turnaround was pretty slow (I'm talking production here - not for want of trying), some big clients for such a small place. There's a lot of politics with the smaller agencies, but then you're always involved in most things that going on.

Depends from what point of view you're looking at it... Great people, but a great experience all the same.

Could of done with some Natural light, heh.

As for the CD, he's got us in, was nice enough to us. Pretty approachable... any particular reason?

Anonymous said...

When I met him I thought to be honest he was a complete twat, am 5 years out and have worked at DDB and Y&R and am freelancing and his comments on our book were just ridiculous.

My mate who's also quite good at his job had the same experience, and we were quite confused as neither of us knew who he was.

Dave Dye was also a complete twat, just for the record. But at least he can back it up. I suppose.

Good luck with Morrisons.

Mike said...

Ha, Thanks.

5 Years out (as in uni right?) DDB and Y&R are nice places to have under your belt.

Maybe he was having a bad day, I've found so far that it does pan out like that...but God knows.

Did you see him over at My Agency? or when he was at McCann's...? Maybe we fluked it, definitely the kind of person who knows what he likes, so I guess unless you're under that umbrella that's just how he is.

Do we get a name to the Anon...? No worries if not just nice to know some people from good agencies are having a nose. heh.

Never met Dave personally, so I wouldn't know, doesn't mean I wouldn't want to though.