Wanted... Ads.

Slightly dishonest with the title, we don't want ads... well we do, but that's another story.

We were on the drop out list for 'The Wanted Ads' - Young Team of the Year Awards.

Today we received a call with some great news, we're in. We'll be going up against approximately 25 teams to try and come out on top, can't guarantee anything, but by the sounds of things there's going to be some talent there. We'll try and do our bit anyway...

This has been mentioned over at Jai & Wal - and being as they did the write up last year I'll let them feedback on it - we'll just do our usual twist. I noticed The Oxymorons will be there too... 

Battle of the bloggers maybe... and then some.


Daz said...

Good luck Pike

Anonymous said...

Hey, I get it the 'P' from Phil added with the ike from mike. That's quite cool , you guys should rename your blog.

Good spot 'Daz'.

Mike said...

Ah that old chestnut... You guys are absolute geniuses, I'll tell you what, I have a think about it and in about 2 weeks or so... I think i'll go with a 'no'. Ha ha.