Most people on the circuit will know, and those soon to be on it, will find out that every Creative Director is different, some like a particular standard - all about the work - approach, some it's about the work and a lot about the people too (most common - if I'm honest), for others you'll find you'll have to do something specific in order to either a) see that team or b) stand out so that you're the team they remember.
Now there's a whole host of things you can do - most of them you won't think of right now, but people refer to them as stunts, a good example involves a little bit of research and some carefully placed logic here's a fun example over at Pisspoorenglish
A lot of the time they are uncalled for, some people hate them, others couldn't care either way, sometimes when you get it right they are awesome, but they are only a front for your book - the work is what matters most- remembering that's the most important you're all set. Don't forget this can be how you get in to see them, what you do when you're there or how they remember you.
Most people make a little self promo - which is pretty common to go alongside their book, or make their own portfolio out of wire mesh(!), but we have realized although common, a lot of people like the traditional portfolio lock-up. It's familiar, easy to flick through and doesn't require any working out - now this is up for debate depending on where you go but here's a little something we did - and what better person to start it off on - Graham Fink.
The 3-D portfolio...
Messing around with the colour palette made this quite interesting and we turned every single page in our book into 3-D mode. Simple but adds to the experience of the whole thing, better than just looking regular ads - kinda makes it a bit more fun.
As a result we're starting a little side mini blog, as we visit people we'll get them in our 3-D glasses and post it up. Whether they choose to look at the work that way or not. (Just need to collect a couple of images first). The best picture thus far has to be the one of the last post.
**Edit it's not all 3-D now, we now a 'section' in the back for our one-offs. Something we'd been thinking about and a modification after making a poor girl (no names) feel rather light-headed after looking at the book - no worries though it didn't affect the crit - it does happen, it happened to us. Ha-ha at least they won't forget us.
Nice one. I just looked through your website. Really like your benadryl piece. 3d portfolio, very orginal. you could send out a mini book version of your portfolio with glasses to get interviews as well. thanks for that nabs link, been scratching my head for the name of the charity since it was mentioned to me once. Did you get a house of their housing list? Sorry if i have already asked you, feeling slightly hungover so not thinking at all straight.
I like the 3D portfolio, its a cool thing. In my opinion stunts are quite tricky though, we certainly tried, and what I find is the most hard thing to get right is doing something that isn't gimmicky, but actually has an idea.
Yeah that's a fair point, it's always a bit difficult, we just wanted to keep the traditional layout whilst making things a little different.
What sort of things did you do - If you don't mind me asking? I remember the cups you sent out with your old flower motif....
Fair play with the 3D lads but it is only original if you have not seen it before. Like what Wal said, avoid the gimmicks unless there is relevance to an idea. Keep your book simple and your personality will shine through your work. God I sound like a cunt, just quoting from others. Good effort with the Fink, but is he ‘wacky’ as people say?
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