Good Deeds.

Over the last couple of weeks Phil and I have made ourselves at home in NABS. As we're there most days of the week, it really has become a useful resource. Yes, we could work at home, but there's too many distractions, plus it actually gets us up earlier than what we would if we stayed at home.

We've been shelling out the strategies, scamping up some ads and making our way over to various ad agencies with our book.

Everyone knows that advertising's a pretty small world, and if you upset someone and send out a bad vibe it could make it way across London before you do. To date, we've had a good run, everyone we've met has been great, helped us out, or we've helped them out.

Today though, we felt like we'd do our bit - at least to try and say thanks to NABS for all the free printing if anything. (Uni used to be 50p a colour a3 print - which is good, but it all added up when you're printing a whole new 'folio). Besides, the current climate doesn't allow excessive funds for print outs!

Anyone who has been in NABS knows there's 3 Macs & 3 PCs. The Macs have the Adobe Creative Suite - the PCs don't. So while scanning the Adobe website we found out non-profit organisations (aka charities) can be eligible for free software (worldwide) - we spoke to the lovely Iwona at the front desk, printed off some bits and it's being looked into! It would be great to see it happen! I'm sure we wouldn't be the only people who would appreciate it.

It wasn't completely selfless - maybe next time we go there we might not have to fight so hard for access to Photoshop. ha ha.

Now we just need to get some decent space for drawing stuff up!

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