Great News...

Phil stole the Limelight but I am in there - promise.

A failed attempt to appear at the edges of the frame.

This week we found out that we are being kept on for an additional month. Apart from being completely chuffed, slightly stunned and extremely excited... we've had some more good news.

Putting in the extra hours and the odd weekend seems to have paid off, for the short-term at least. The pitch idea has been well received, everyone making a huge contribution from the team means we're down to the final two! Both Wieden + Kennedy and VCCP enter the final stage of the pitch. More here

Along with the pitch work on COI, we are now working on some bits for Nokia's new initiative and the recently won Fairtrade account. We've had a brief review with the infamous Tony Davidson & Kim Papworth as well as another with Dan & Ray - has they both left us brimming with inspiration and the desire to do more! (I'll do a write up on this sometime in the week).

Next on the agenda - knuckle down once more & try and get another month.


Anonymous said...

all sounds good - well done for getting another month, however are they not doing this new scheme thingy where they will giving people possible jobs at the end of it - have you asked what your prospects are?

Anonymous said...

the advertising industry is dumbfounded once more!

Mike said...

@ Anon 15:54

Thanks. The Platform begins in September, so as of right now our time will overlap. After speaking to Lucy & Sam (Heads of Platform) it will pretty much run as an independent company from within W+K.

@ Anon 17:55

Care to elaborate on that one? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yeah i can elaborate, i dont get how u got a placement at w&k in the first place as i have seen how bad your portfolio is - let alone get an extention

Anonymous said...

Oh and your thoughts of the week - the Lidl shampoo one we all knoow is nicked of the alan carr standup!!

Mike said...

Ha-ha. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to write that.

You're right, we haven't had much time to update the website, sorry if it's not up to your standards. It's quite time consuming, and things have been quite full on recently. I guess we just work pretty damn hard and the reason we've been extended is that they like the work we are doing, so if you're dying to know more than that - you'll have to ask them.

I'd be interested in seeing your book, not to prove anything, I'm sure it's good with a comment like that... I'm actually being genuine about that. Perhaps if you can post a link we can all see. If not, that's ok too. You're entitled to be anonymous.

Oh, The thought for the week isn't necessarily something we have made up. If you look through the rest of the thoughts, you'll find some of them are quotes, ideas or just 'thoughts' that we think are interesting. Glad you have a sense of humour though, it helps.