Chaps is the word...

 noun informal
 he's a nice chap. See guy .
 not to be confused with riding chaps or Ralph Lauren's brand.

Something that's popped up in our short time in Advertising has been the word 'Chaps'.

For instance, 'hey chaps, where are the chaps?' 

It's kind of nice, brings back the old age of advertising where there was a distinguished gentlemanly quality in the way people addressed each other. 

You can imagine how complicated this can get but it's definitely a buzz word. Crit to Crit, placement to placement, job to job, you will at some point in your career be called a chap, if you haven't already. 

When you think you are referred to as 'the chaps' you find someone else has also been referred to as 'the chaps'. So who are the chaps?

It makes me wonder what the term would be for the girls?


Ronnie Blogsville said...

Yeah it's easy for the blokes - you can be referred to as fellas, lads, gents, "boys" if they're a bit old... but I find it weird that 'guys' seems to be acceptable for both sexes.

Hmmm try going to your next crit in wigs (maybe not you phil) and see what they call you then.

Anonymous said...

we always get called the same thing as-well. It gets annoying after a while to be honest. suppose other creative's just like the word cunt's.

The Oxymorons said...

Being called chaps is ok I guess on your first visit (book crit etc...) but anything after that sounds like they are being lazy. Show a little respect and call people by there names. 'Chaps' is generic and has no immediate respect between people. Then again, if you don’t impress or make a mark, how will they remember you? Where are guys these days?