Sometimes you need not say anything at all...

I wonder if this is the way that status updates are going? It very much seems that way. It doesn't feel too out of place next to comments in my feed "Just having toast for breakfast, spoke to a real person, in real life! FML, what is the sun?"


Where did the term 'headPHONES' come from anyway?

They're just not phones are they...

Sonic in the Office...


*Requirements: One conveniently dressed colleague (coincidence).
          - Blue Jumper
          - Red Trainers

*A day of persuasion for said colleague to perform on cue.

*1 beer (to be redeemed at a later date).

*1 x Camera (of any variety).

My week in 4 pictures...

I found my sleeping masking from my Tokyo trip (albeit slightly modified, by myself)

Pip The Dog becomes Pimp The Dog
(With a semi Mohawk).

New kicks which were discovered to be 'agency' colours. GDI.

Built a hut/ mansion complete with en suite, 2 reception rooms.... for a Pigmy Hedgehog, yep.